If you are interested in quality, affordable healthcare, the Del Norte Healthcare District would like your input.
Healthcare District is a five person board elected by county voters to
address local healthcare needs. We constructed the clinic building on
the corner of Washington Blvd. and Northcrest Drive, where medical and
dental services are provided through Open Door Clinics. We are in the
process of expanding our campus to include additional dental capacity,
affordable MRI, and a visiting specialist clinic and possible surgery
center, so residents can receive care at reasonable prices without
leaving the area.
The current Healthcare District Board members are Kevin Caldwell, Shellie Babich, Dwayne Reichlin, Terry McNamara and Greg Duncan. Incoming
Board members are Mike Young, Dohn Henion, and Elizabeth Austen. We
hold open public meetings, usually on the fourth Tuesday of each month
at 6:30 p.m. Our meeting times, agendas and minutes are posted on the
Del Norte County web site at http://www.co.del-norte.ca.us/
other health care related board in Del Norte County operates Sutter
Coast Hospital. Current Sutter Coast Board members are hospital CEO
Mitch Hanna, Sutter Health executive Grant Davies, Scott Feller, Mojgan
Arshi, John Jacobson, David Itzen, Ken Hall, Clarke Moore, Thomas
Polidore, Warren Rehwaldt, David Wilson, David Gibbs, and Ron
Sandler. Other than the hospital Chief of Staff, Sutter Coast Board
members are appointed by Sutter Health in Sacramento. Sutter Health has
the power to remove all the appointed Sutter Coast Board members at any
time, without cause. Sutter Health also requires the Sutter Coast Board
to be loyal to Sutter Health.
Sutter Coast Hospital Board meetings are closed to the public. No
observers are allowed. No meeting notes are released. Sutter Health
officials have required the Sutter Coast Board members to sign
confidentiality agreements, restricting hospital board members from
answering questions or notifying the public of decisions made in the
hospital board room. Sutter Health and the Sutter Coast Board refuse to
release hospital meeting notes and financial records, despite requests
for those records from the City Council of Crescent City and the Board
of Supervisors of Del Norte County.
2011, the Sutter Coast Board voted (behind closed doors) to dissolve
itself and transfer hospital ownership to a Sutter Health corporation in
the Bay Area. Dr. Kevin Caldwell was on the hospital Board at that time
and was the only hospital Board member to vote against the transfer of
ownership. Widespread local opposition to the transfer of ownership
prompted the Sutter Coast Board to reverse itself and continue local
hospital ownership.
Sutter Coast Hospital Board also voted (behind closed doors) to triple
fees on Medicare patients, close half of the acute care hospital beds,
and place limits on how long patients can stay at Sutter Coast
Hospital. Dr. Greg Duncan was on the hospital
Board at that time and cast the only “no” vote to Sutter’s plans. But
due to the efforts of numerous elected officials and thousands of
residents, once again Sutter’s closed door plans were stopped.
the past three years, the Sutter Coast Board approved an ER doctor
corporation which bills patients “out of network” for emergency room
treatment (costing patients more “out of pocket” dollars). Once again,
the Del Norte Healthcare District Board, City Council of Crescent City,
and Del Norte County Board of Supervisors joined forces to oppose the
“out of network” ER billing. Curry County commissioners also voted to
oppose the billing practices at the Sutter Coast ER. And again,
community opposition to Sutter Coast was successful-- Sutter Coast
Hospital recently announced the end of “out of network” ER doctor
billing for most insurance plans.
The Del Norte Healthcare District Board invites you to join us on the 4th
Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in our conference room in the clinic
building on Washington Blvd. and Northcrest Drive. Visit our website at www.delnortehealthcare.org, email us at dnhcd@delnortehealth.com
or call us at 707-464-9494 from 8 am to 12 noon weekdays. The
Healthcare District Board thanks all the local officials and residents
who have supported our goal of accessible, affordable healthcare. Let’s
keep the momentum going!